Mirrorless vs. IPhone... Weigh In!

Okay, so we all know that technology is changing faster and faster... blink and you could miss the next best, latest and greatest...It's a challenge (to say the least) to keep up with these technological changes, right?
Let's talk cameras, wink wink...We all see that technology is creating smaller and better products, and the camera is no different. If you are like most, then you are using your IPhone camera, but for those who still want to maintain quality and image control, then let's see how the mirrorless cameras stack up compared to the IPhone! Mirrorless cameras are smaller, lighter and simpler than the giant DSLR, but let's compare the mirrorless camera with the IPhone!
We found a great article written by Sam Byford on the TheVerge, a fantastic American politically progressive technology news source that we want to share with you! This article really gives a clear description and comparison between the IPhone 5S and the Fuji XT-1. We'll let you see for yourself what the results are here!
Photo Credit: TheVerge.com
Our conclusion? We grab our IPhones for the quick snapshot on the go, and it absolutely does a great job capturing memories on the fly! BUT handsdown, the mirrorless camera proves to be the best choice for when it comes to capturing the best lighting and quality. Thanks Sam Byford at the TheVerge for weighing in and giving such a great review of the two products. We love how you took the same picture with both cameras and compared the images by scrolling back and forth on the images.
So let's see... Father's Day gift ideas peeps? OH! And summer vacation pics! What's your camera of choice? Weigh in and let us know what cameras you are using most and why!
Capturing Couture now has the most adorable Mirrorless Camera Totes and matching Camera Staps! Perfect for protecting your camera on the go, in style of course... wink wink!
Mirrorless Camera Totes
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