Meet Local Southern California Singer Songwriter Aly Ashford

It always makes us happy to watch local artists doing what they love! We are so excited to announce our latest sponsored artist, Aly Ashford!
Aly is a singer songwriter from Orange County. She has been performing with her guitar since the age of 10 years old when she played in her first talent show after learning guitar for about 6 weeks. She decided early on that she wanted to sing and play the guitar whenever she could get the opportunity. During that time she has gotten to play at the OC Fair, OC Youth Expo, The Fusion Music Festival 2013 with Orange Circle and 5 Minutes Late, a member of the Music Live Series, the world famous Coach House in San Juan Capistrano and House of Blues on Sunset Strip with her teen band 5 Minutes Late. Her band 5 Minutes Late took home top honors winning the Cypress/La Palma Battle of the Bands and Fullerton's Battle of the Bands and were a finalist in Shredfest 6 for Shred Kids Cancer. This past year she has been performing in a dou with Emily Weerheim and have rocked it at shows with the acoustic guitar and mandalin.
Aly was a semifinalist in OC Icon, and is a past member of The Impact Foundations Artist Development Program, and has been a member in OC GLEE singing group. She is also in the songwriting group at OC Hit Factory.
Check her out on social: Facebook